Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Hillary Learned in the Congo -- a "Red Line" Moment

The opening of this article on Hillary Clinton's angry outburst in the Congo indicates some context for the remark. It played on the nightly news a few days ago, and my immediate thought was that Hillary was expressing a little insecurity on the Bill front. After some thought, though, I think Hillary was probably experiencing something anyone who has spent time immersed in a foreign culture would recognize -- a "red line" moment, at which the frustrations of being confronted with difficult realities result in an outburst. Diplomats aren't supposed to feel these kinds of things, but I know that Mrs. Clinton, with her politician's instincts, had to have experienced more of the real Africa on her trip than most diplomats do. This summary article in the New York Times is a little unfair -- Mrs. Clinton didn't break the bubble of diplomatic security, but she did encounter more ordinary people than most diplomats do.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I agree. I briefly listened to one gal who was on the tour with Ms. Clinton & she mentioned the stifling heat, the length of the tour itself (longer than any other diplomat had spent time in that particular region), & the relentless questioning from the gallery. I, for one, am willing to give the gal a break. Even if it really was a "lashing out" that she was intending, I still didn't see what the big deal was, considering she wasn't like that throughout the entire time. Everyone has moments of frustration, tiredness, hunger, etc. that cause us to have poor reactions. And this is what I'm summing it up to be - just a brief moment of frustration & that's about it.