Saturday, January 02, 2010

Covert Ops in Iran, Torture in the U.S.A., and the Fox News Effect

The New York Times is reporting this evening on remarkably open details of the covert operations that have been going on in Iran, aimed at disrupting the nuclear program. There are some scary time estimates in the story, but I think they are just that -- estimates.

Secondly, Fox News and its allies (Dick Cheney, Charles Krauthammer) are calling for more torture in the U.S. to try to prevent another terrorist attack, according to direct quotes included in this blog post from Andrew Sullivan. I literally had to leave the room a couple of days ago when my father-in-law was watching Fox News -- the opinions were so predictable and so alarmist that I literally couldn't stand to watch the network.

How about a boycott of Fox News until they return to some standard of responsible journalism? I know everyone thinks that CNN and the NYT are just as biased, but the fact is, they aren't. Fox News is reactionary, not just right wing, and they are destroying any potential for civil debate in this country.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I don't watch either, but I do visit both websites when I get a chance & then I alwasy find myself wishing I hadn't!! I do find Fox's news headlines to be especially troubling - there are always so many graphic details just in the headline that I can't help but have a negative reaction to it. Many times I don't want to read a news item because it's just too disturbing to me, especially since I typically only have time to catch up on news just before bed.
I'm just about ready to give up on Fox for that reason alone. CNN typically disturbs me because of the graphic photo content that's right there before I even click on the story...good luck with your boycott, though. America has fast become intrigued with alarm & gory details on all sides of life - reality TV shows are never going away because of that as well.