Friday, January 01, 2010

One word and one verse

I know this is my third post of the day, so my loyal reader(s) may be a bit overwhelmed, but I didn't want the day to pass without trying to meet a challenge that a fellow Christian and blogger put on her blog today -- name a word and a Bible verse for the year. My word is "refuge," and my Bible verse is related: Nahum 1:7 -- "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble."

I'm not claiming any special trouble for the next year, but I do think we live in turbulent times, and the idea that the Lord is good is a simple and powerful fact that transcends those times. I am not wishing for trouble, but I know that when trouble comes, the Lord is still good, and He is on the side of good. I'm holding on to that simple truth this year.

1 comment:

Chu said...

I love this, Scott. They are turbulent times. I've witnessed more trouble in recent months than I care to, but I've also seen God do miracles in the midst of it all. They were not the miracles we originally looked for, but mighty acts of love and mercy nonetheless. He is a refuge.