Friday, July 30, 2010


The movie Salt opens with a torture scene, but it doesn't dwell on the torture -- in fact, the torture only serves as motivation for the main female character later in the movie.  Throughout the movie, only hints of the emotions going through the main female character, Evelyn Salt, are shown.  The director chose instead to go for full-throttle action sequences.  The chase scenes crackle with intensity, as stunts we've probably seen before are executed well and put together into surprising sequences.  There is an ingenuity to the plot, but the twists and turns aren't that revealing of the character's real emotional life.  Overall, the movie is a thrill ride with little emotional heft, but I guess that's what we want from our summer movies.  There are a lot of people killed, maimed, or otherwise beaten up by various characters.  I wasn't all that surprised by the revelations at the end, but it was still a good movie.

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