Monday, August 09, 2010

The Other Guys

This movie says it is dedicated to the "grinders," people who work hard, grind it out, so to speak, in the current economic climate, and the end credits dismantle some of the excesses of the economic meltdown.  With that said, it's really not a political movie -- it's a broad comedy with some funny ideas hodgepodged together to make us laugh in spite of ourselves.  It breaks some movie taboos, but sticks with some others -- the black characters are still the first to die (a movie rule from most horror flicks) -- and it is generally based on the "dumb and dumber" format.  I enjoyed the movie overall, mostly because of Will Ferrell's goofy improvisational style and some genuinely funny ideas -- he insists his wife is plain, for example, but when his partner, played by Mark Wahlberg, comes over for dinner, he is stunned and keeps asking, "Seriously, who is that?" because "she's so hot."  The plainness of the wife becomes a running gag, but there are additional wrinkles that make that gag funnier than it sounds right now.  The plot is inconsequential to the laughs, so I wasn't too concerned about how it was all going to end -- which is good for a comedy, right?  Anyway, it's a B/B+ movie with some very funny moments and an impossible-to-deny good vibe.

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