Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mandelbrot set

This obituary in the New York Times has inspired me to write about a subject I don't write about very often: math.  My second-most profound moment in MrV's calculus class as a senior in high school was my discovery of the Mandelbrot set, which inspired me to cut and paste (literally, not on a computer) copies of pictures from a book I was reading on strange attractors and artificial intelligence, which I really didn't understand, and present it to MrV.  He explained the Mandelbrot set to the class and passed out the page I had created to the students.  It was a pretty cool moment.  The Mandelbrot set is proof of something I discovered in college -- that math can be as beautiful as art, as profound as nature.  Here are some similar pictures to what I presented so long ago in calculus class.

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