Friday, August 01, 2014

Seven quick takes on a digital sabbath

1.  It's been a busy day.  It feels good to be busy, so I'm starting to think we should all have three day weekends all the time -- one day for doing stuff, one day for God, and one day to rest from our "time off."

2.  Speaking of rest, I think we shouldn't combine worship on Sunday with our sabbath rest.  Sundays are social and joyful, and they should be. We also need rest.  The sabbath is a divine command that is more important than the tithe, and our culture tends to completely ignore this command.

3.  Why is the sabbath more important than tithe, you ask?  It's in the 10 Commandments, for one. God also wants one seventh of our time, which is more proportionately than the one tenth of our stuff that belongs to God.

4.  Sabbath traditionally is from sundown to sundown on Saturday, so I like the idea of a "digital sabbath" -- now if only I can finish this post by sundown.

5.  Anyone want to join me?  Put down your devices one day a week.  It sounds like freedom to me.

6.  So it's on.  No texting, tweeting or computing for 24 hours.

7.  Praise God!

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