Sunday, August 30, 2015

7 political predictions for 2015

1. Donald Trump will not be nominated for the Republican candidate for President. He simply won't devote enough money to actually win an election. He's in it for the publicity, and he's capsized the boat by getting enough free publicity to satisfy any megalomaniac you can think of. I hope he goes away soon, but I have a feeling he will be on air for way too long. He won't rule out an independent run, so maybe he'll start a third party that will be named after himself.

2. Politics here in Nevada will churn, churn, churn through a long, hot winter of discontent. With Harry Reid exiting stage left, former attorney general Catherine Cortez Masto is trying to claim his seat. If she runs like Hillary Clinton, she may not get very far with Nevada voters. I'm thinking she will keep her distance from national politicians, having accepted their money but not making promises she can't keep about bringing home the bacon.

3. The real action is on the Republican side this year. I expect Brian Sandoval to jump into the race for Senate, now that he has accomplished everything he wants as governor. He's ambitious enough to want to make a case for himself on the national stage, even though his speech at the Republican convention in 2012 was underwhelming.

4. The Republican party will do everything it can to drive down turnout in Clark County, including requiring photo ID to vote.

5. The Democrats will do everything they can to stop this voter suppression effort, which is not much, with Republicans in charge of all statewide offices. I expect some labor unrest and protests to continue, but Republicans can pretty much do what they want.

6. Pollsters and consultants will continue to make money this election cycle.

7. Money in politics will make a mockery of our political system this year, forcing real reform due to an angry electorate in 2017, especially if Republicans win the White House.

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