Friday, May 09, 2008

Hillary Concession Watch, Day 2

I don't expect to see Hillary concede before June 3, but I think she probly oughta. Us working class white voters will be disenfranchised if she quits, though, so I can see how she's fighting for me now. (Note sarcastic tone here.)

The press and other folks can be pretty vicious about the end of a campaign, so I'll take my lead from Obama -- relax, folks! Let's let Hillary make up her own mind. It's really going to take some time for the notion of Obama as the Democratic nominee to sink in. The Fox News folks will have to start mentioning Rev. Wright every 15 seconds instead of every 30. Good thing CNN devoted a full 20 minutes to snippets of Wolf Blitzer (ugh) interviewing Obama last night. I think CNN's approach of letting the candidates speak for themselves is better than Fox News' opinion in the place of news, but that's just me.

Here's a link to the interview.

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