Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Democrats Divided over Debt

This article has the ring of truth to it, and I appreciate the honest analysis from a veteran political reporter.  It's not surprising that Democrats are fighting among themselves, especially with scary statistics looming due to the retirement of the baby boomers, but it is interesting to note how little belief there is that there are real solutions to the problems.  If there were easy solutions, I'm sure we would have come up with them by now, but the truth is, there has to be some renegotiation of the promises of Medicare and Social Security if there is going to be anything approaching fiscal health for the U.S. government.  The fact that millionaires receive Social Security checks seems wasteful to me, even though the promise of Social Security is that you get out some fraction of what you put in.  Raising the retirement age to 70 is also a reasonable arrangement to help trim costs, but even that may not save Social Security.  I don't have easy answers, but I think those type of things have to be considered.

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